HOW TO PURCHASE YOUR SCORE Pedagogical scores are available directly from ABRSM. Please visit the ABRSM page to click through to the ABRSM site. Some professional scores are available directly from June Emerson Wind Music. One can click through on their feature pages. Others need to be ordered from me, via the contact form on this page. Coming Soon: A Price List for Scores sent out by me, and list of professional scores available from June Emerson. If in doubt, please return to the feature page of the piece in which you are interested, for instructions as to how to purchase your desired score(s). Many thanks. |
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Unless a WAIVER is granted, a synchronisation licence is required to stream videos containing my copyright music, anywhere on the web. This applies to videos both live-streamed and pre-recorded. Please check the waiver requirements here first, before sending a message to discuss your plans.